Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bits of this and that

I finally finished Atashinchi no Danshi. It was really cute and funny. The ending was good too. I cried during some of the really sad parts. All in all it was a really good drama. Now I have to find a new one to watch. Maybe I'll finish love at first fight or mean girl ah chu?
Anyways, I went to old navy and bought a ton of clothes. So now I have a fall/winter wardrobe. All my other clothes have been worn and loved to pieces, so it was time to go shopping anyway. I may have very little money to live on till payday, but I like pb&j, so I'll be fine. I can wear lots of different outfits and I have more that 1 pair of jeans!!!!!!
Also my class starts in September, so I need to study harder than I usually do. Better paying job here I come!!! And my birthday is in that month! Exciting,yeah?!? I'll be 19....... still a teen >:p
I still don't know what I'm going to do for it. Maybe shopping.... or spa day or a date? hahahahahahaha yeah right, he wouldn't ask me out now. Still chasing me. So I'll wait....
I could go to the beach. Since it won't cool down till like november.
that's all

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fall is coming soon!!!

So my other blog has been shut down. Because someone didn't pay the bill on time. So instead of paying $300 to get it reinstalled, I'm going to do free blogging here. What funny is that I probably have a blog on just about ever blogger-type site there is. So for now, I choose blogger.

Anyways, yesterday is rained for the first time this summer. I was soooo frickin' happy. And it's overcast right now. Perfect time to talk about fall. The clothes get comfier, school starts(hey I actually like school.), the weather starts cooling down, more rain falls, and the leaves change color. I also get more excuses to nap and my birthday comes in september. My favorite things are the fashion and lots of snuggling. Pure bliss.
I still have to shop for fall clothes. New jeans and shoes. Hoodies and sweatshirts. Lots and lots of hats and socks. And Victoria's Secret Sweatpants.... I can't wait to do a fashion post for these.

Needless to say, this fall will be great~